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雨龙峡的夜与泪(The night and tear of the rain dragon canyon)--Chapter 1(13)

2024-03-26 来源:百合文库
All the new client need to go to the soul bridge and did some important thing.
When Mark saw this word, he started to go to the soul bridge. After a few minutes, he found a peculiar bridge. You can’t see the another side of the bridge and there were 10 skull statue in the bridge, of course it was the soul bridge. Mark found that there was a table in front of the bridge and there was a masked man sitting there. Some people are lining up there. The color of his body is similar to that of him. There is a big copper pot with a dragon tap on it. There was a sign at the entrance of the bridge, which says: 

雨龙峡的夜与泪(The night and tear of the rain dragon canyon)--Chapter 1

Dear new residents of The Rain Dragon Canyon, please register the token with the administrator here and drink the tea in the copper pot. The administrator will take you to your new house. In addition, on the other side of the soul bridge is the forbidden area. If anyone is found breaking into the forbidden area without permission, he will die miserably. Wishing you will have a happy life in The Rain Dragon Canyon.
Mark joined the line and started to register. Later, It was his turn. He gave his token to the administrator, who motioned him to drink the tea in the copper pot. Then he took a cup and poured a cup of tea at the dragon mouth. He saw how black the tea in the cup was, when he prepared to drink it, there were some words appeared on the bag that the old man gave him, it said: “Don’t drink!” He saw these word and didn’t know why, but he thought that there may be something bad in the tea. Therefore, he decided to not drink. He sawed the commander didn’t pay attention to him, so he poured the tea into a grass beside him. Then, he gave the cup to the commander to express that he had drunk the tea.