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The Biography of Schiller(16)

2024-03-26HistoryNon-fiction 来源:百合文库

The Biography of Schiller

Wang Yan and Sima Ji were afraid of being killed, so they rushed to talk to Chen..Only Sima Fan looked solemn and calm. He turned around and scolded Wang Yan and Sima Ji, saying, "What is the need to talk about today's matter?" Shi Le was very surprised by him.. So Shile took all the kings and officials out of his tent and killed many of them.. Shi Le paid great attention to Wang Yan's explanation and was surprised by Sima Fan's manner. He couldn't bear to kill them with a weapon..Therefore, he had someone push the wall to crush them to death at night. When He Lun, general of the Left guard, and Li Yun, general of the Right guard, got the news of Sima Yue's death, they escorted Sima Yue's concubine Pei Shi and his son Sima PI to escape from Luoyang. When Shi Le confronted Simapi in Wei Cang, the Jin army was routed again. Shi Le captured Simapi and all the princes and officials alive and killed them. Many of them were killed.

The Biography of Schiller
