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The Biography of Schiller(2)

2024-03-26HistoryNon-fiction 来源:百合文库
Shi Le's ancestors descended from the Qiangqu tribe of the Xiongnu. His grandfather was Ye Yi Yu and his father Zhou Hor Zhu (also known as Qiyi Jia), both of whom had been small leaders of the tribe. When Shi Le was born, his nickname was Sheng Le. When he was born, the red light filled the room, and the white air directly connected the court from the sky..Everyone who saw him was amazed. A reporter from a historical book said that when Shi Le was fourteen years old, he went to Luoyang as a peddler with the villagers, and once screamed loudly against the upper east gate. When Wang Yan saw him, he was surprised. He turned back to the people around him and said, "That little Hu boy just now, I can tell by his voice that he has a great ambition. He sent men and horses to catch him, but they failed. Perhaps Schiller also sensed it and wisely avoided it.

The Biography of Schiller

When Schiller grew up, he was very tall, strong and courageous. He was good at using all kinds of weapons, especially archery on horseback. Hor Chu was fierce and rough, and the Hu people did not like him. Therefore, he often let Shi Le supervise the Hu people instead of him, and all the Hu people liked to trust Shi Le. Most of the trees at the foot of the Beiyuan Mountains in Wuxiang, where Shi Le lived, were shaped like cavalry soldiers. Ginseng grew in the garden of his house, with luxuriant flowers and leaves, and they all became people.