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Biography of Liu Yu Part 2(7)

2024-03-26历史小说纪实原创 来源:百合文库
At the end of the same year, a series of special ceremonies, such as the twelve diadem crown and the standard of the Son of Heaven, were added.
He changed the name of the state to "Song" and changed it to "Yuan Yongchu", and the regime he established was called "Southern Song" and "Liu Song" in history. Liu Yu's family lived in Pengcheng, which was the former Song land during the Spring and Autumn period. It was also the place where he was vassalized and guarded by the Eastern Jin Dynasty. So the name of the founding of Liu Yu was "Song".[11]

Biography of Liu Yu Part 2

After taking the throne, Liu Yu took Sima as an example, weakened the strong vassals and centralized the central government. In view of Jingzhou being the source of repeated disturbances, Liu Yu abolished the jurisdiction of the prefecture of Jingzhou and restricted the number of generals and officials in the prefecture. In order to prevent the chaos of the government, he issued an order: all the ministers who went out for military expeditions in the future should be equipped with the imperial army, and the army should be handed back to the court.