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Biography of Liu Yu Part 2(25)

2024-03-26历史小说纪实原创 来源:百合文库
Liu Yu's virtue was also reflected in his memory of his wife. Zang Aiqin was Liu Yu's wife. Her grandfather, Zang Wang, once served as Shang Shulang, and her father, Zang Jun, was a county magistrate. When Zang loved to marry, Liu Yu was still a clothier in Jingkou. She was not only poor and poor, but also aggressive and fierce, which made the villagers look up. You can imagine how difficult his life was after his marriage. Shortly after their marriage, Zang gave birth to a daughter named Liu Xingdi.

Biography of Liu Yu Part 2

However, before Liu Xingdi could bring his parents many younger brothers, Liu Yu, a new father, decided to leave home and join the army.
Zang loved his husband and had to watch Liu Yu eagerly leave his hometown. After the age of 35, Liu Yu's fortune changed and he was promoted to the rank of Jin. At the age of 40, Liu Yu became a prominent figure in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. For a time, the sycophants around the "Mrs. Zang" turned in a circle, previously refused to help the "relatives", now are working hard to add to the icing on the cake. The amount of flattery and gift-giving is countless.. Zang loved Qin and was not impressed by all this. Although her husband became an official, she still lived a frugal life and did not enjoy luxury. None of her relatives who wanted to get rich through her promotion achieved their goal. Judging from Liu Yu's age at the time of his fortune, Zang Aiqin was no longer young when the couple reunited..This may be why she was never able to give Liu Yu a son..Liu Xingdi, her eldest daughter, became her only child. Having no children did not affect Liu Yu's affection for his first wife, and Liu Yu respected Zang for his moral behavior in the face of luxury. Unfortunately, Zang did not wait for the day when his husband ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor. The couple's reunion did not last long -- on the first afternoon of the first month of the fourth year of Yixi, Zang Aiqin died of illness in Dongcheng (southeast of today's Dingyuan, Anhui Province) at the age of 48.