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Biography of Liu Yu Part 2(27)

2024-03-26历史小说纪实原创 来源:百合文库
Liu Yu was very distressed by the early death of his wife in trouble. When he declared himself emperor, he canonized Zang Aiqin, who had died for twelve years, as the "Jing Empress", and when he died, he no longer had an empress. When Liu Yu died, he still did not forget the wife who had shared adversity with him. At the end of his life, he left an edit that Zang Aiqin's coffin was welcomed from Dantu to Nanjing and buried with him in the early Ning Mausoleum.

Biography of Liu Yu Part 2

But no one is perfect, as has been the case since ancient times. He was the first to kill an abdicated monarch. Before Liu Yu founded the Song Dynasty in the Jin Dynasty, all Zen monarchs in the previous dynasties were able to save their lives. After Liu Yu declared himself emperor, Sima Dewen, the emperor of Jin Gong, was reduced to the position of king of Lingling. Only a year later, Liu Yu sent his own soldiers to suffocate him with a quilt. Hu Sansheng of the Yuan Dynasty commented: "Since then, the king of Zen abdication, it is rare to get all."[ 11] Since then, all the monarchs in the Zen position could not survive.[12]