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Biography of Liu Yu Part 2(24)

2024-03-26历史小说纪实原创 来源:百合文库

Biography of Liu Yu Part 2

Suffering from a fever, Liu Yu often needed something cold to cool him down, so someone offered him a stone bed. Lying on the cold stone bed, Liu Yu felt very comfortable. However, he felt that the wooden bed was very labor-intensive, and it was even more difficult to grind the big stone into a bed. So he ordered the stone bed to be smashed. Liu Yu further ordered his former farm tools to be put away and left to future generations. His son, Emperor Wen of the Song Dynasty, once saw it and felt ashamed when he learned about it. However, his son Liu Jun, Emperor Xiaowu of the Song Dynasty, tore down Liu Yu's bedroom and found a garden drapery at the head of the bed, carpet-cloth lanterns and fly-flies hanging on the walls. Yuan Yi praised Liu Yu for his thrifty virtue, but Liu Jun only said, "The old peasants are already too rich for these things.

Biography of Liu Yu Part 2
