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【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第十九章:时光 Time(27)

This matter with Alessandra had happened so quickly, at least by my standards, and it left me reeling. By the standards of an Aeldari, who measures their lives in the span of centuries, this short and sudden intensity that had cropped up between her and I was alarming.
Aeldari, as a people, do not like change, and they certainly detested when it happened quickly, but in our defense the last time a very quick change had occurred our entire empire had dissolved into shrieking chaos and each of our souls, present and future, had been ear-marked for the larder of a cosmic nightmare.

【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第十九章:时光 Time

Not that we hadn’t earned it all, but the point stands.
Alessandra nuzzled against me in her sleep, making a quiet murr of approval as she fell deeper into slumber.
As changes go, this one was not so terrible. Still, it was ironic that here and now, at the end of my life, I should find myself wishing for just a little bit longer to spend with her.
How many more cycles did I have?
Twenty-five at the outside?
It was happening more quickly now… I knew that much. Every passing cycle brought the angle of my descent into the Great Serpent’s maw another degree steeper, and the downward slide had become uncomfortably rushed.