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【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第十九章:时光 Time(26)

She gave a vaguely affirmative grunt and buried her face against my shoulder, a touch of drool leaking from the corner of her mouth as she wrapped her arms around my torso.
Distant detonations echoed beyond the walls, a reminder of the ongoing conflict. I was becoming too sedentary as well… I could feel it, even aside from my fading vitality, I had been indulging this domesticity with Alessandra for near on a full lunar cycle.
That I had enjoyed it was aside from the point.

【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第十九章:时光 Time

I sighed as Alessandra murmured small, sleeping noises against me. I had a choice now… I was near enough to my death that any battle I fought would be a risk, but if I dallied longer there wouldn’t be a point to seeking a battle at all.
So did I die in battle? Did I rove out in search of my end at the edge of an Imperial blade or Ork axe?
Or did I remain, and pass quietly with Alessa, my Alessa, by my side?
Would it be crueler or kinder to leave her behind? Should I make her watch me die breath by breath? She would agonise over it either way.

【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第十九章:时光 Time
