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【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第十九章:时光 Time(24)

Because I slept in.
I woke a full hour after I normally would and my body ached like nothing I’d ever known. Despite sleeping in, I was still weary, my limbs felt leaden, and my one consolation was that Alessendra didn’t know about it because she was still asleep in my arms the way she had been last night.
The way she had done for the past twenty or so cycles.
A temptation, I’m sure she would say, but also a practicality because the last time she had gone to sleep alone she had woken up screaming. Even after that, when I offered to stay with her during the night, she had tried to turn me down despite clearly wanting to say yes.

【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第十九章:时光 Time

She had only agreed after I pointed out that her waking up screaming every morning would almost inevitably draw down an Ork squad or more, although…
Alessandra's arguments died with what I’m sure would be considered indecent haste by most.
I gathered her a little more closely in my arms, relishing her warmth. It was not often I was cold, but it was growing more common lately as my body began to weaken.
“Alessa,” her name fell softly from my lips as I stared down at her sleeping features.