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【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第十九章:时光 Time(22)

Another ten cycles passed and our days were filled with much of the same. We would spar and Alessandra would continue to slowly overtake me, then we would rest together, staying close, occasionally with our hands finding one another to link together while Alessandra pretended not to notice.
Some cycles I would go seeking supplies, on others Alessandra would explore the spire. She would never put the armour on we had taken from the chapel despite having long since attached the power cell of her old armour to it. It was perfectly usable, and despite that she refused to don it, always telling me there was nothing worth lugging around another two bodies of weight for in the spire and if there was that she was better off just avoiding it.

【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第十九章:时光 Time

Instead she would pull on the bodyglove, take one of my Splinter pistols that I’d been training her with in between sparring, and wander about. Occasionally she would return with food or more medical supplies, despite us having more than enough, other times with oddments and knick knacks like children’s toys.
I never asked her about them.
Our days were a strange kind of peaceful punctuated by the background noise of a war. No one knew where we were, neither Orks nor Imperials, nor the elusive Asuryani I suspected had come through the Webway.