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【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第十九章:时光 Time(20)

“Thank you, ‘Rae,” she raised her head and leaned in to press a kiss to my cheek. “But it means nothing if I can’t do it myself.”
“Why does it matter?” I asked. I honestly wouldn’t have cared so much if it wasn’t clearly a source of pain for Alessandra, but as it was… “You feel how you feel, yes?”
“And what I feel is temptation!” Alessandra snapped as she pulled away from me, her eyes blazing. “What I feel is the precipice of heresy!”
With a surge of motion she was astride me, straddling my lap with her powerful legs on either side of me while she stared down into my eyes with a burning expression of want and desire that lit a flame somewhere deep in my belly.

【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第十九章:时光 Time

My hands trailed up to rest on her hips as her own hands rose to start tracing the lines of my face with her fingers.
“What I want is a sin beyond measure,” Alessandra breathed raggedly. “And what I want will take me out of the God-Emperor’s light and into a shadow where I… I do not know if there is a possibility of return.” 
Her fingers tangled into my hair, taking a hard grip and sending ripples of pleasure through me, and pulled my head gently to the side as she could lean in against the bare skin of my neck again and take a deep, slow breath.