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【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第二十一章:绝望 Desperate(9)

2024-03-26战斗修女战锤40k黑暗灵族战锤同人 来源:百合文库
As for humans? I’m actively scanning for them.
For Alessa’s people, so I can give her back to them.
The thought makes my heart ache.
I wonder if I would have chosen differently, given the option. I’d never had a choice before and, in a way, a lack of choice is my people’s defining facet.
There is not a Druchi or Asuryani that is permitted an honest choice in their lives. We are born a dying people, heirs to a poisoned legacy, and scions of a shattered empire. The Druchii must slake our Thirst or be devoured by a God of the Warp, the Asuryani must spend every waking moment suppressing their own souls or suffer the same.

【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第二十一章:绝望 Desperate

Spirit Stones keep the Asuryani safe while my Druchi Thirst protects my soul, but both are just cages. One is crystal, the other flesh, and both serve the singular purpose of keeping our souls from being digested, and that>i/> is the only choice we get to make.
How do we keep ourselves alive?
What atrocities are we willing to conscience to survive?
I slowed the jetbike to a crawl, then to a stop as I paused and sighed, staring down the open urban chasm beneath my feet.