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【战锤40k同人作品翻译】 Ennui 第二十五章:光芒 Light(20)

“You cannot know that,” I croaked. “You cannot know.”

【战锤40k同人作品翻译】 Ennui 第二十五章:光芒 Light

“And yet,” Alessa spoke with quiet conviction, the shake of her voice steadying for the first time since this impossibility began, “I still have faith.”
She raised her head again, and spoke into the storm.
“God-Emperor, Thou who love’st all martyrs,” Alessa intoned. “I give to thee the soul of an Eldar who would have died for her love of me, who stood before bolter and blade and, in faith, laid herself bare before them.” 
A burning sensation crept along my limbs, and the specter above me began to thrash violently. 

【战锤40k同人作品翻译】 Ennui 第二十五章:光芒 Light
