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【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第二章:信仰 Faith(15)

2023-12-17战斗修女战锤40k战锤同人 来源:百合文库
I swallowed hard, the leather grip of my combat knife creaking as I gripped it tighter, stood, and determinedly shouldered the hab door open.
A small tide of gore flooded into the hab up to my ankles, followed by the utter stench of Ork bowel, blood, and viscera. My guts rebelled as the unspeakable smell struck me across the face like a blow from a thunder hammer, and I staggered back to vomit out what little my stomach contained.

【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第二章:信仰 Faith

I stood, shook, took a deep breath, and-
That was a mistake.
I stumbled back into the hab and dry heaved again and again as the stink clung to the inside of my nostrils and coated my tongue in filth. My gut clenched and spasmed painfully as I spat and hacked, while tears of pain dripped from my cheeks.
After a few moments, I mastered myself. Shame filled me, and my lone consolation was that no one had been present to witness that.
This time I took shallow breaths, trying to perceive the remains of the Orks as little as possible as I stepped fully into the hallway.

【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第二章:信仰 Faith
