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2023-12-01 来源:百合文库
“I go up, you go down, and communicate through the stones, got it? Make it quick or Reniya will have our hides.”
With that, Eren shot his grappling arrow up the roof, and began scaling the wall, disappearing over the top.
Baskara waited until he disappeared, then he sprinted around the castle, not making the slightest noise. His hand flew up and down, feeling the stone wall.
Jackpot. He felt a slight wear on the wall, and upon closer inspection, found the hidden hinges on the side. There was a hidden wall.


“Baskara, I’m on the roof, and there’s a locked trapdoor here. ”Eren’s enchanted voice flowed out from the stone, woven with magic so that only Baskara can hear it.
“Think you can pick the lock?” Baskara whispered back.
”Thirty seconds at worst.“
“Bleh,Bet I can do it in ten.”
"Yeah, right. Have you found a way inside?"
“Secret door on the south.”
"See you around, then."
Breathing steadily, Baskara put one hand on the door, and closed his eyes, tapping into the power of Elemental Fire.

