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Chapter Seven(10)

2023-12-01原创连载小说高一英文小说 来源:百合文库
‘They are temporary!’ Alberto responded indignantly, ‘You didn’t even give me a quiver to put the arrows in! Where do you expect me to keep them?’
‘We were training about what to do when the quiver was destroyed,’ said Lydia, rising her voice a bit, ‘And you kept the arrows in your jeans pockets?’
‘Well, I can’t well just hold the handful of arrows in my hands, sling the bow over my shoulder and run, can I?’ interrupted Alberto. ‘Just give my quiver back, come on, this is meaningless.’

Chapter Seven

They seemed to have forgotten that Cecy existed as they argued.
Cecy, who had been straining to ask Lydia a question, turned smartly at that and marched towards the center of the room, leaving the ridiculous pair behind. 
Where had she left her weapon? She didn’t remember, so Cecilia, watching the memory, doesn’t see it. The girl Cecy frowned in confusion and marched over to a box in the distance. Several old boxes stood side by side at the other end of the room, beside the target range. Cecy walked over to one of them and looked inside. 

Chapter Seven
