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Chapter Seven(24)

2023-12-01原创连载小说高一英文小说 来源:百合文库
‘Ok, that’s enough fuss for now!’ Lydia stood up, speaking clearly after Cecy had finished shouting. Her words would have seemed more convincing if she was not still reaching for her hood. Her breakfast disappeared last as she walked away from the table, trailed behind by Cecy and Alberto, the former of which threw the knife at a point a bit higher than the latter’s head. The knife vanished soon after it left Cecy’s hand, leaving no trace behind.

Chapter Seven

Lydia pretended not to hear the new eruption of bickering behind her as she drew on the wall. Since that first entrance with the mysterious corridor she had created, not only Alberto but Cecy had insisted that she open it every time, supposedly to ‘feel like this is reality’.
