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Chapter Seven(8)

2023-11-30原创连载小说高一英文小说 来源:百合文库
The light, somewhat blinding, was the only exit from the hallway, and the whiteness swallowed them as they moved onwards. And emerged in a room that Cecy found familiar.
The training room, once more. She furrowed her brow for one instinct before letting herself relax. But the natural atmosphere among the three of them had vanished. The tenseness that she could almost feel radiating from Lydia signaled the end. 
‘One last bit of training before you can retire,’ She announced to the both of them. ‘Alberto, get your bow out, I told you not to keep it hidden in your jacket, you’ll lose it or get it broken.’

Chapter Seven

She eyed Alberto seriously as he quickly zipped down the front of his jacket, shaking it off. Grabbing both arms of the jacket, he spread it out carefully. Then, to Cecy’s immense surprise, he reached underneath the back of the jacket——and no, for there seemed to be two pieces of fabric, with something a bit bulky in between——pulled out a bow, imbedded somewhat in a piece of thick plastic. 
Cecy felt her eyes go even wider than before, as he plucked the bow off the plastic swiftly, replaced the plastic, and put on his jacket. ‘What......’ She tried to ask something, then thought better of it.