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战锤40K短篇:CIRCLE OF HONOUR 荣耀之圈(3)

2023-11-30 来源:百合文库
“这个年份是第41个千年的426年,泰拉校验和1年,由最神圣和仁慈的帝皇统治的人类分散的后裔的第10个千年,这个时间是牧歌远征(Madrigal Crusade)的第八十九天的第二更的第三小时,在这最神圣的打击巡洋舰王权号,以其名字和目的祝福,以原体罗格·多恩,愿他的名字永远神圣,和他最神圣的冠军西吉斯蒙德之名,黑色圣堂战团的入会兄弟布鲁斯克,作为合法和最崇高的继承人,为他加入最光荣的剑之兄弟会进行仪式。他将承担它的责任和荣誉,它的誓约和它的誓言(At this date of the year four hundred and twenty-six, millennium forty-one, Terran checksum one, in the tenth millennium of the most holy and beneficent Emperor's reign over the scattered scions of mankind at this time of the third hour of the second watch of the eighty-ninth day of the Madrigal Crusade and upon this, the most holy vessel strike cruiser Majesty, blessed be its name and purpose, Brother-Initiate Brusc of the Black Templars Chapter, rightful and most noble heirs to the Primarch Rogal Dorn, may his name ever be sacred, and his most holy champion Sigismund, makes a presentation for his inclusion to the most honourable Brotherhood of the Sword. He would take upon himself its responsibilities and its honours, its oaths and its vows.)。


院长敲了五下通往王权号圣所(Sanctum of the Majesty)的大门。这是一个宽阔的入口,拱门的顶端达到顶点,从那里怒目而视的是某个死去已久的牧师的审判的面孔。布鲁斯克已经穿过那扇门数千次,但今天它具有毁灭性的意义,使它变得与众不同而令人不安。传教士小心翼翼地避免击中装饰在门上的大红色的圣堂十字,尽管他的手杖在围绕这十字的黑白格子塑钢上没有留下任何痕迹。“神殿如何回答?”