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【生肉搬运】Shrike伯劳鸟 第一章 原文(31)

George stared down at the animal he’d first said those words to. Just another deer, indistinguishable from all the rest. Stupid little thing, why didn’t you run away faster?
George’s pockets were still full of berries.
“I’ll tell you all about it,” said the war god. “You didn’t miss much.”
George took a deep breath. Beyond the field of bodies, the sun was beginning to rise, the purple night fading into gold as the world spun on, indifferent to all the lives that had left it. The war god was telling him there was something beyond the distant mountains, something worth his while.

【生肉搬运】Shrike伯劳鸟 第一章 原文

His lungs ached with the memory of forest-fire smoke.
He sighed it all out.
“I guess I can afford to stay,” George said. “I have nothing better to do, after all.”
The war god’s grin widened, the edges of it like knifepoints.
What the hell did I get myself into? George thought.
“Great,” said the war god, clapping George on the back so forcefully it would have dislodged his heart if he’d been a mortal. “But first, let’s try to see if any of the horses survived, then let’s find the nearest river to wash all this blood off.”