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【生肉搬运】Shrike伯劳鸟 第一章 原文(30)

“Because, unlike you, I don’t revel in watching mortals burn this whole wretched world to the ground.”
The war god scoffed. “That’s not all they do.”
“What happened tonight would prove otherwise.”
“They can surprise you, sometimes. If you stick around, you might even get a laugh out of their little lives.” He felt the war god’s dark eyes settling on him, piercing and calculative. “You look like someone who could use a good laugh.”
His words coming out oddly strangled, George said, “I doubt there’s anything for me out here.”

【生肉搬运】Shrike伯劳鸟 第一章 原文

“Leave, then,” the war god replied easily. “Go back to your trees and bushes.”
But George remained rooted on the ground.
“That’s what I thought.” The war god pointed north. “The war we were heading to is that way, but I’m sure we could go any direction we want and find another anyway.”
“Is war all you know?” George asked quietly.
“What else is there worth knowing?” The war god grinned at him. “It will be fun. Or, at the very least, it won’t be boring.”
“I don’t even know what century we’re in.”

【生肉搬运】Shrike伯劳鸟 第一章 原文
