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【生肉搬运】鸟雀Passerine 第三章

【生肉搬运】鸟雀Passerine 第三章

I finished this at 1AM lmao so forgive any errors please. i am begging.
I tried to make Wilbur's chapters sound as distinct as possible from techno's - let me know how i did, or if they sound too similar.
if anyone's wondering, Wilbur is 15-ish in this chapter; tommy is 6-ish.
also follow me on twitter @thcscus so we can cry over sbi together.
comments and kudos are always appreciated <3
“No,” Tommy began, rethinking his words even as he was saying them, “being king has nothing to do with it. I guess I mean it was different before… before he started choosing being king over being my big brother.”

【生肉搬运】鸟雀Passerine 第三章
