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月光下的母亲 The mother in the moonlight(3)

2023-11-29 来源:百合文库
When I walked by the Siliu Mountain, I saw a guy standing on the threshing ground in my village by the moonlight, and that guy was struggling to beat the wheat on the barel.
Back then, my town hadn’t have an agricultural machinery like threshing machine. No one can afford its expense even if we had. So every one used hands to thresh millet. This way is very slow, we have to thresh all the millet and put them in the barn before the fall comes, this task really costs time and difficult. But no one had threshed millet for day and night before.

月光下的母亲 The mother in the moonlight

Then I thought, who’s working there? I felt not well suddenly.
I moved faster to my home, touched the door very quickly. I touched an iron-lock. I suddenly know, that guy, is not the others.
I cried.
Who could it be? Couples usually work together. My father worked in Zhejiang at that moment, my mum took care of all the business, who could it be except of her?