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Archive from 1899: Hello, I’m Grindelwald.(9)

2023-11-28邓布利多格林德沃ggad 来源:百合文库
made from ELDER? use your memory!” That would be tricky for a powerful wizard like Dumbledore to face such a childish memory quiz. He put down his hand, which holds the wand. The answer… is not difficult to find, the sound from earlier in this house would be nothing other than Aberforth’s Cello, Aberforth got it from Mrs. Tramton in a celebration event for summer harvest. He heard that it was partly made from ELDER but never have it proved. “It’s my brother’s precious. Aren’t you going to confide me the plan first?” “Moth comes in any minute, I would not prioritize listening to stories if I were you, especially not when your life, your family’s, and my life are currently threatened.”

Archive from 1899: Hello, I’m Grindelwald.

That man has obviously no idea of the arrogance he presented. He has illegelly broken into a household, and in front of him stands one of most excellent wizards that graduated from Hogwarts, who has no fewer than thirty combat experiences! But Dumbledore finds it hard to resist him, it's rather his condescending words than his merald-green owl-like eyes that makes him more persuasive.
“Upstairs living room, Aberforth’s Cello. Hope you do not need I to remind you, that my brother–” the pale wounded wizard disappeared again, without making out a single whisper of ‘apparate’ “He couldn’t be more age than I, but his sorcery…”