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Archive from 1899: Hello, I’m Grindelwald.(11)

2023-11-28邓布利多格林德沃ggad 来源:百合文库
Moth gets quieter and slows its fluttering speed, it was sort of seduced by the Cello, and comes closer and closer to the strings. The player keeps reducing the strength and silently put down the bow, with strings still vibrating, wind breathes lightly– “Reducto”! The next minute Aberforth sees what a great sacrifice his Cello has made, no chance of casting a “Reparo” to restore it too, because the Cello was torn apart, literally, into dust, like being ground in a mill.

Archive from 1899: Hello, I’m Grindelwald.

Aberforth stands at the door, stares this wizard’s victory- “you – son of a Dementor! in the name of Merlin’s great grandfather I will…” “I’m truly sorry for your loss, if there is any other less costly way available I would definitely go for it. I would not expect you to approve of my suggest, but what if I invite you two to my great aunt, Mrs. Bathilda Bagshot's? she perhaps knows how to repair, or if not, she knows also how to make a new one…
if that suits you as well. Hello, I’m Grindelwald.”

Archive from 1899: Hello, I’m Grindelwald.
