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Archive from 1899: Woolen Socks

2023-11-29邓布利多格林德沃ggad 来源:百合文库

Archive from 1899: Woolen Socks

Dear Elphias,
great relief to hear you’ve escaped from the dangerous chimaeras in Greece, whereas I seem to be experiencing another sort of appalling danger– or I’d rather call it adventure.
Have you heard about the House of Peverell, whose name appeared on the “A historical study of Dark Arts”, I was more than convinced now, that they were not only a bunch of carpenters living with crafting children toys, but also masters of dark arts who invented the most fabulous defensive weapon. Right before the moment that I was writing this letter, I had narrowly got myself killed by The Wizard Peverell! But thanks to Gellert– that’s Grindelwald, probably you haven’t known him– HE, somehow could spell the god-blessed miraculous Charm of Patronum. So Aberforth and I finally came home, safe and sound, to join our poor little sister, she was afraid she’d been left alone forever and hysterical. Oh, Ariana…

Archive from 1899: Woolen Socks
