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Archive from 1899: Hello, I’m Grindelwald.(8)

2023-11-28邓布利多格林德沃ggad 来源:百合文库

Archive from 1899: Hello, I’m Grindelwald.

“Here comes after all, another powerful wizard, of your equal, Albus.”
“No, Aberforth, ‘my equal’ would be too much, go and see Ariana. I do my best to save our kitchen.”
Albus grabs his wand from his sleeve and appears in the kitchen two seconds later. The fellow beneath the cupboard looks more vulnerable than he anticipated. “Hang on there, I handle moth first.” Albus prioritizes elimination of the uncontrollable moth, which is hovering outside the house. “ELDER, where is ELDER?” The wizard shouted anxiously. Albus thought he was asking herbs for his wound. “We’ll come to that later, I have no expertise in curing spells, but we have a physician in this house. Don’t worry.” But that man meant actually a more important thing, “Musebutterfly is easily lured to a sound created by ELDER-stuff. Do you possess any, bowls, pots, chairs, wardrobe…

Archive from 1899: Hello, I’m Grindelwald.
