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Archive from 1899: Hello, I’m Grindelwald.(6)

2023-11-28邓布利多格林德沃ggad 来源:百合文库

Archive from 1899: Hello, I’m Grindelwald.

If Albus had finished reading his book faster, he would have caught up on the brief introduction in 7th chapter in “Defensive organism and offensive impetus of harmless wild flyingbeing”, which says a possible solution to get rid of the outraged status of musebutterfly, is RUN. Oh, my Merlin, what a lame plan, but a wise adult wizard doesn’t have to read books to pick up that!
Don't draw conclusions so quickly, the young man down there deserves a better estimate. Skillfully enough he took out his wand, without hesitation– “Petrificus Totalus!” – Good reaction, but Moth didn’t stop, and moved even more fiercely and unstable. It begins to attack, aiming for a right angle to let down all the noisy burden in his body.

Archive from 1899: Hello, I’m Grindelwald.
