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Archive from 1899: Hello, I’m Grindelwald.(5)

2023-11-28邓布利多格林德沃ggad 来源:百合文库

Archive from 1899: Hello, I’m Grindelwald.

“Hogwarts won't do it.” Honestly speaking through, Albus is not sure about that. Professor Meridith bears a great risk of lending him those books. “I guess I am lucky than he is…”
If two Dumbledore look more thoroughly, they would notice, the moth-chasing guy is in fact, in real danger, moth is a spiritual form of a specific magic creature called musebutterfly. They are an innocent adorable creature in original form, but their frequency of fluttering can be extremely disturbed by some strange pitch or a certain type of sound. Then all the energy in its body is going to be transferred and concentrated to fight the annoying untraceable pitch, leading to the shrink of her body. Horrible thing is, when that pitch suddenly dies, tiny moth has to release all the interior disordered power, so that she can be restored to her normal scale. Whoever exposes themselves in the surrounding is in great danger of passively taking on this power, and usually, scarcely survives. Their brain functions no furhter as if it was penetrated by thousands of sewing needles. Victims, by the book, lose capability of casting a simplest spell.