“Why magic schools are continuing to cut out smart genius?” Mr. Albus Dumbledore is enjoying his summer at home after his final year, not exactly joyful though, because his mother just died three months ago. Nothing really lifts his mood up except helping with Ariana’s schoolwork and trying searching with Aberforth for the documented methods of Ariana’s psychological disorder. Notwithstanding ineffective prescriptions, those Books given by Professor Meridith really fascinates him, for they allows him the very chance to acquire some lessly-talked-about wizarding knowledge. But he had to hide this excitement from Aberforth, because Aberforth claimed more than once, that none of magic skills of a world first class wizard matches the well-being of a dear family. Albus had to make a caring brother-face, instead of behaving like a bookish heartless scholar dumbass.
“Did you just groan about something?” Aberforth lays down his Cello and gives Albus a glance, who is peering rather carelessly through the window down the grass, where a tall pale young man seems to be chasing an unrecognized… a moth.