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[EVA][嗣香]What Comes After Winter(寒冬之后)(19)

2023-11-22EVA明日香碇真嗣LAS嗣香 来源:百合文库
She shivered, and he remembered all those times he had done nothing. The time when he had been weaker than a security tape.
He put an arm around her, cursing that tape, but not as much as he cursed his own weakness.
"So please, Shinji; let me forgive you. And forgive yourself. Please."
Now it was his turn to take a deep breath. When he exhaled, he looked at the vapor leaving his mouth and floating up, into the soon-to-be clear sky. He thought that it would be nice, if that mist carried all of his failures, doubts, weaknesses and fears; if they vanished as easily as it did.

[EVA][嗣香]What Comes After Winter(寒冬之后)

It was a naïve hope, and he knew. All those things were still in his heart, and no external miracle was going to magic them away. Only he could, and perhaps he would never be truly rid of them for good.
But he too wanted to live. He couldn't let those shadows control his life. He had to get out of that abyss. For him. For her.