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塔罗历史 03(11)

2023-11-22历史塔罗 来源:百合文库
然而,放眼整个时代,瓜伊塔与许多成就斐然的同好相比,仅仅只是神秘主义浪潮的众多弄潮儿中不算起眼的一个。这一神秘主义浪潮自法国起,很快扩展到英国,乃至是全欧洲。不同秘密社团同时在欧洲各地兴起,吸引了为神秘学着魔的各色人等。波兰作家Mouni Sadhu在他关于塔罗的专著The Tarot这样描述这一群体:

塔罗历史 03

To them came people tired by their long religious search; those disappointed in academic knowledge; those desiring something similar to Masonry, but, as they hoped, in a nobler form; ordinary, curious people of all calibers, and those who were unacceptable to other occult organizations. Finally, there were the really honest men and women who were striving after mystical powers, lovers of talks on occult themes in full salons, and hysterically-minded ladies, who are always keen for membership of societies where there is a taste of mystery.

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