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2023-11-22鬼畜文言文鸡汤穿山甲整活 来源:百合文库
Feng, AKA Pangolin, senior agent of Chongqing BIS and Great Japanese Empire. During the Japanese invasion of China, Feng infiltrated the N4A as Com. Xue’s canteen worker in disguise, the comrades used to praise him for his loyalty.


One day, Captain Wang personally visited Feng the cook and said: "Feng, the Japs and their puppets fought dog to dog, more than 30 died and over a dozen are in rescue, so the commander is so pleased that he invited us to dinner. You kill a chicken, chicken stew!" Great sorrow clouded his eyes, as he seemed lost in thought and remained silent for a moment. Later, he added potassium cyanide to chicken soup furtively.

