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Book of Strange Tales(9)

2023-11-05悬疑惊悚怪谈短编小说 来源:百合文库
“Well, the boy is right in front of you.”
Xin Xin looked behind XiaoTang jiejie and there was only a candy tree behind her.
“Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!” Xiao Tang walked towards to the candy tree.
Next to the candy tree, there is another new tree. It had red ribbons all over the tree, the same ones that Xin Xin has tied on her hair.
Xiao Tang slowly pat the tree with the red ribbons and smiled.
“Dear Xin Xin, you did not keep your promise. So now you have to bear the consequences. But dun worry, you are not alone. The boy which I had mentioned earlier, he too had become a candy tree himself.”

Book of Strange Tales

Xiao Tang looked at the two candy trees and gently pat the trees.
“Oh, one more thing, the candies you have plucked are made from using the blood from the boy. So every time a candy is plucked, blood will be used to make new candies again. That is why the tree can grow candies over and over again. However, when there is no more blood left, you will wither and die. Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha!”
Xin Xin who has turned into a candy tree let out a crying sound.
Xiao Tang plucked few more candies from the two candy trees and walked away happily.