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Book of Strange Tales(7)

2023-11-05悬疑惊悚怪谈短编小说 来源:百合文库
Suddenly, faint screaming sound could be heard from the candy tree.
Xin Xin jumped back and looked around. Then she heard another sound. It sounded like crying sound.
Xin Xin looked around and then turned to look at the tree. There was something red oozing out from the tree. Suddenly she saw two gleaming eyes looking back at her.
Xin Xin looked at the tree and realised that the crying sound was coming from the tree. She got scared and quickly ran back home.

Book of Strange Tales

Today is the day when Xiao Tang is coming back. Xin Xin slowly walked to the place where the candy tree is.
There Xin Xin saw XiaoTang jiejie and she seemed to be talking to the tree.
Then Xiao Tang spotted Xin Xin and smiled at her. “Hello, Xin Xin.”
Xin Xin smiled back at XiaoTang jiejie. “Hello, XiaoTang jiejie.”
Xiao Tang looked at Xin Xin and looked back at the candy tree. Then she asked Xin Xin.
“Dear Xin Xin, You did not keep your promise,right?”

Book of Strange Tales
