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Book of Strange Tales(8)

2023-11-05悬疑惊悚怪谈短编小说 来源:百合文库
Xiao Tang walked towards to Xin Xin with a big grin on her face.
Xin Xin stepped back and looked at Xiao Tang with a pale face.
Xin Xin shivering with fear. “XiaoTang jiejie, I…...I…….”
“Xin Xin, you did not keep your promise. You did not brush your teeth and you had plucked more candies.
Xin Xin looked at XiaoTang jiejie with fear.
“XiaoTang jiejie, I…I…am sorry. Please forgive me.”
Xiao Tang looked at Xin Xin and plucked a candy off the candy tree.

Book of Strange Tales

Faint crying sound came out from the tree.
Xin Xin stepped back further and tripped and fell down on the ground.
“Xin Xin, Let me tell you a secret. Do you know why this tree can grow candies over and over again? There was once a boy who was just like you. He also like to eat candies and he did not like to brush his teeth too. He too did not keep his promise when I told him too. So do you know what happened to the boy?”
Xin Xin shivered with fear as she looked at XiaoTang jiejie.

Book of Strange Tales
