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About Karl Marx(2)

2023-10-31 来源:百合文库
The Life of Marx
Born into the bourgeoisie, Marx abandoned a privileged life and chose the profession that would best serve the welfare of mankind. He believed that the pursuit of knowledge and truth was the first priority of life. Explained the relationship between social existence and social consciousness Karl Marx was born in 1818 as one of nine children. The family lived in the Rhineland region of Prussia, formerly under French rule. Both his parents came from Jewish families and had distinguished Jewish ancestry. Marx's father was a lawyer, and when it came time for him to continue his legal career, it was necessary for him to convert to Christianity, but later became an atheist anyway.

About Karl Marx

Marx was home-schooled by his father until high school, and at the age of 17 attended the University of Bonn, Germany, where he studied law at his father's request. However, Marx was more interested in philosophy and literature.
After his first year at university, Marx transferred to the University of Berlin, where he was introduced to the philosophy field of the late Berlin professor G.W.F. Hegel and joined an organization called the "Young hegelians". He quickly felt at home when he joined this talented and extreme circle of thinkers who challenged existing institutions and ideas in religion, philosophy, ethics and politics, and this experience had a great impact on his thinking. Marx received his doctorate in 1841.