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Chapter Five(5)

2023-10-28原创连载英文高中小说高一 来源:百合文库
They walked onwards, through light and darkness, both of them preoccupied. The morning was nearing noon, but it was quiet enough for it to be midnight. 
And a majestic tower loomed in the distance, as the girl lifted her head briefly, and unconsciously, to watch the road in order to stop from tripping. 
Cecy stirred out of her thoughts by the unprecedented sight, and stared at the white tower, its surface smooth and shimmering in the sunlight. It was so tall that it seemed to block half of the blue sky, white against blue like clouds that were nonexistent. The tallest tip of the tower, sooring gracefully up into the distance, was adorned with windows and patterns, weaving lines adding softness to the frame.

Chapter Five

As they drew closer, she realised that the whiteness was marble, beautiful and pure against the horizon, but looking quite out of place, an intricate design standing in a neat but plain background, like an angel falling to earth in a valley. She couldn’t have expected such a piece of architecture within reach. Cecy let out a gasp of awe, her eyes almost consumed entirely by the sight.
But it was suddenly more than just a plain tower, for at that moment, emotions, strong but vague, rushed out of nowhere like a gigantic wave rising from a stormy ocean and hurling itself at the shore, it was sadness, hope, it was the sunlight falling from the high windowsills into a gigantic corridor, it was the music swirling through the air and drifting past the filled seats——