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Chapter Five(3)

2023-10-28原创连载英文高中小说高一 来源:百合文库
His smile wavered for one fraction of a second, and Cecy knew that it was not the moment to press about her confusions——leave it until later.
‘Let’s get back to Capsule first, and then I’ll answer you, if you ask questions within a limit.’
The Capsule? What was it? Cecy hesitated for one second, and then relaxed. Must be the name of the place where she had been before stepping into the mirror.
‘Why can’t you just teleport us back there?’ Cecy realised that she had said what she thought out loud. She felt with a twinge of bitterness that he was probably going to tell her ‘later’ once more.

Chapter Five

To her surprise, he did not.
‘Can’t,’ he said simply, ‘The mirror is a single-sided gateway to a world, it cannot open a passage back, that’s for other mirrors to do.’
O...K? Cecy thought. He had better explain about the mirrors soon, or she wouldn’t understand what he was saying anyways.
They walked down the path, surrounded by flowers, under the warm golden glow of the climbing sun. That might seem romantic to another’s eye, but not to the girl who was still thinking about the recent information, or the boy who seemed to be hurrying somewhere, and avoiding something.