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After all, there wasn’t much more for them to find than what was found when they began their search in the first place so it didn’t matter if a part of the document still remained unread.
This was also one of the things that allowed them to get rid of all trace of what happened at that site. 
There was nothing on file from the FBI or any other agency, and as far as they could tell, no one knew how to trace anything back to them. They hadn’t been traced to anywhere, and therefore, they couldn’t be blamed for any crimes committed during the investigation of that site. 


So with no further trace of that event, and everything in control, it was as if that entire day had never even happened. Like the whole thing had been a dream.
In reality it wasn't like that. In reality, things had been different; something very wrong had occurred during that day. 
What awaits me, however, is the nightmare day that can only be called hell itself. 