比如,我喜欢《Will you please be quite, please?》里开篇的《Fat》。小说中因过于肥胖而被服务员嘲笑的用餐者,得到了叙述者,也就是服务员的特别关心。在小心翼翼询问此地是否太热(大概是希望打开窗户)而得到叙述者说太热(这一点也体现了叙述者的善良,因为叙述者可能根本不觉得热)可以脱掉外套的回答时,用餐者也只是点了点头。细节就在于,当叙述者回过头去上餐时,用餐者却没有脱掉外套。
“Do you think it's warm in here, or is it just me? he says
No, it is warm in here, I say.
Maybe we'll take off our coat, he says. (这里用we或许是表示用餐者太胖,觉得自己是两个人)
Go right ahead, I say. A person has to be comfortable, I say.
That's true, he says, that is very, very true, he says.
But I see a little later that he is still wearing his coat.” --<Fat>