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those villains. Furious has dropped the Jewel! They have made him drop the Jewel! And then there was another moment in which the Stealth Dragon’s excitement briefly turned him visible again. The Jewel was too small to see, but Hiccup clearly recognised the moment that a dragon takes their prey. The Stealth Dragon’s mouth opened, he caught something in it and soared upwards, Alvin punching the air in triumph. It was a momentary vision, before the Stealth Dragon turned invisible again. The Dragon Furious saw it too, and gave a snort of fear and fury. ‘NOOOOOOO!’ cried Hiccup in despair, falling flat on his face in the seaweed. It was so cold beneath his knees, so cold on his cheek, as he grovelled there, 


helplessly caught up in the slime, and then he looked up at the uncaring heavens above, where you could still hear the echoes of Alvin’s triumphant whooping. ‘Noooo…’ whispered the Wodensfang. How could Fate be so cruel? Alvin had the Jewel. And he knew what he had to do with it. At the very last moment, Alvin the Treacherous had snatched away the beginnings of hope and turned it into despair.