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‘What’s wrong?’ whispered Hiccup as the Dragon Furious craned his neck upwards, and scanned the horizon like some gigantic cat. Hiccup drew his sword. A cold, cold feeling had come over him. He peered about him, shading his eyes as he tried to see through the drifting smoke. There was nothing to see but the fires that marked the boundary of the Combat Ring, and way, way in the distance, the restless dragons and the restless Vikings, hoping for peace, but ready for War. The Dragon Furious’s beautiful eyes were so acute that he could spot a fieldmouse hidden in a bog from a distance of ten miles. He could 


see stars and comets moving that were invisible to the human eye. It was even said that he could see through walls, and into time itself, although I do not know if that is possible. But even a Dragon Furious cannot see something that is invisible, and although he sensed there was danger, he could not see where it was coming from. A threatening rumble rose deep within his throat, the sound an animal makes before it strikes. His head swivelled round, searching, searching with his eyes, his nose, his ears…