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the meantime, she would kill Hiccup. ‘Are we all quite clear on the plan?’ snapped the Witch. ‘First we fly to the Dragon’s hand, Stealth Dragon, so Alvin can steal the Jewel. And then I deal with the boy…’ The Murderous Tribe knows how to train dragons, and the Stealth Dragon obeyed without question. Alvin was more mutinous, muttering darkly under his breath. The Dragon Furious and Hiccup were so busy concentrating on each other that it was almost as if the world around them had ceased to exist. The distant sounds of the chanting Rebellion dragons, the songs and battle cries of the humans had all faded into nothingness as their world narrowed into a conversation between a boy and a dragon. On, on, the Stealth Dragon flew towards the reef, with the boy and the mighty dragon unconscious of their approach. Despite himself, the shaking, wavering Dragon Furious was allowing himself to believe, to hope, in the future. But some instinct deep within him sensed approaching danger, and his ears pricked up, and he sniffed the air.

