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【ZYL个人向】A Lone Intimate Journey孤影蜜旅(上)(23)

2023-06-28同人小说ZYL朱一龙沈巍井然陈一鸣 来源:百合文库
‘I'm overjoyed by what you just said, William.’ Mr. Nelson’s face was filled with pride, as if he had just been praised by everyone,‘so I made a temporary decision to tell you right away... Of course, for you, maybe, I mean, maybe, it’s good news.’

【ZYL个人向】A Lone Intimate Journey孤影蜜旅(上)

‘Sir, you mean...’ I was suddenly at a loss, and the only thing that came to mind was that it might have something to do with tutoring.
‘I know that before you came here to do tutoring, you were a high-achieving student at the University of Birmingham and just had to terminate your studies because of the pressure of life, which is a pity for you.’ He paused and saw that I had a hard time, and went on in a friend-like tone, ‘On the other hand, somewhere between your long-term excellent performance, I can't bear to let a material that can be built in the future, fell into the city well and buried in this life.’