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【中英对照】墨香铜臭《天官赐福》中的古典文化意象探源 (彩蛋篇)(6)

【中英对照】墨香铜臭《天官赐福》中的古典文化意象探源 (彩蛋篇)

Comparing with TGCF, the role of Heaven God could correspond to Heavenly Emperor Jun Wu. But ironically, he doesn’t judge everyone’s sin and fortune with blessing people. However, he brings disasters to the mortal realm under a wrong thought in passing. Although Water Master Wudu couldn’t directly correspond to Water God in Taoism, he is still the god in charge of water. He should relieve people’s disasters, but he uses his spiritual power to bring disasters and amass wealth. Maybe their fall and failure result from their choice completely opposite to their duty.

【中英对照】墨香铜臭《天官赐福》中的古典文化意象探源 (彩蛋篇)
