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beginning to be afraid. ‘ALVIN FOR KING!’ roared a Danger-Brute. ‘ALVIN FOR KING!’ replied an angry Bashem-Oik, and even the gentler Tribes, the Quiet-lifes, the Meatheads, the Peaceables, they did not cry out for Alvin, but they did not speak against him either, because they were hungry and tired, and desperate. The look that the Druid Guardian gave Hiccup was affectionate, if a terrifying blindfolded man could ever be said to look affectionate. ‘You have learnt well the lessons of the finding of the Things, boy.’ There was a yearning in the Druid Guardian’s voice as if he would choose Hiccup, if he were free to choose. ‘In times of peace, you might have made a wonderful King. But in times of War, Kings have to make difficult choices, have to do disagreeable things in order to protect their people…


’ I have said this many times before, because important truths must be said more than once: maybe we are lucky that we are not Kings and Heroes, because we do not have to make the choices that Kings and Heroes have to make. ‘I have to crown the King that Destiny and Grimbeard the Ghastly have chosen,’ said the Druid