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Guardian. ‘I have to have CONCRETE EVIDENCE that Grimbeard intended you to be the King. And you see, when all is said and done, you have no Things.’ ‘You don’t understand,’ said Hiccup urgently. ‘I HAVE to be the King. I HAVE to do it. You see, Snotlout—’ ‘Step aside, boy,’ said the Druid Guardian. ‘Is that all you’re going to do?’ raged Alvin. ‘Why don’t you send down your Dragon Guardians to kill him?’ The Druid Guardian pushed Hiccup aside, and held wide his bat-wing arms. ‘COME GREAT POWERS OF DESTINY AND DARKNESS!’ he cried.


‘Excuse me!’ There was a scuffling at the back of the Hall. The Guardians were trying to prevent a skinny boy who looked like a daddy long legs from rushing up the aisle. ‘Excuse me, your Magnificence!’ shouted Fishlegs, struggling in the Guardians’ grip. ‘Who is this who dares to interrupt our solemn Ceremony for the second time?’ demanded the Druid Guardian, a little crossly. ‘I’m trying to crown a King here, for the first time in a hundred years!’

