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‘It’s not a sign!’ squealed the Witch. ‘It’s not a sign of anything apart from the fact that both Grimbeard and Hiccup must have CHEATED!’ ‘And I have MORE concrete evidence,’ said Fishlegs. ‘Can’t somebody shut this boy up?’ snapped the Witch. ‘The Map to find the Jewel is drawn on the back of Grimbeard the Ghastly’s Last Will and Testament. Hiccup saved that Will and Testament from the burning of Prison Darkheart,’ said Fishlegs. ‘And I took the precaution of looking after it for Hiccup. I think there’s a clue there too…


’ ‘Grimbeard the Ghastly’s Last Will and Testament!’ gasped the Druid Guardian. ‘Why didn’t you mention this before? Read it to me, boy!’ Fishlegs held up the paper so that
all could see it. ‘“ I leave to this my True Heir, This my favourite Sword, Because the Stormblade always lunged a little to the left, And the Best is not always the Most Obvious…’ read Fishlegs. ‘And over the top of that, Grimbeard has written: “Courage: What is within is more important than what is without (this is not the end I promise). Here is the map. And the map can lead you to the Dragon Jewel.”’* ‘Ooh, that’s interesting,’ said everybody, for they all loved a riddle. ‘The Best is not always the Most Obvious…